438 research outputs found

    Installation and testing of server component of the information educational environment of the university on the LMS moodle platform

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    © Research India Publications 2015. The information educational environment (IEE) of the educational institution is a complex multilevel system and along with the program-methodical, organizational and cultural resources accumulates intellectual and technical potential of the university, the content and activity components of the learners and teachers. In practice, the formation of IEE is actually based on the creation of information technologies and their integration into existing educational environment of the institution. The management of this system is implemented through the dedicated equipment and software. For the successful formation and functioning of the IEE in this paper we consider software products that form the basis of an interactive and web of interaction between students, teachers and all participants of the educational process. Technical capabilities that are provided to users of IEE are analyzed, such as the Apache web server with connected modules PHP, MySQL, Java virtual machine and Red5 Server. The possibility of obtaining results from the interaction of these products, reports on the work of users in webinars, video conferences and web conferences are demonstrated

    Statistical analysis of the professional competence study on the example of the field “applied information science in economics”

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The article analyzes the results of forming the professional competence of future IT professionals of the Applied Information Science in Economics at the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of the Kazan Federal University (NCHI KFU). The mathematical modeling methods,main provisions of mathematical statistics,optimization methods,apparatus of multidimensional scaling and qualimetric estimation,theories of high school education and bringing-up process management were selected as the methods of the study. A comprehensive simulation model for forming the professional competence of future IT professionals of Applied Information Science in Economics in view of the interaction of the main technological processes based on the IDEF0 technology (function modeling (IDEF=ICAM Definition),ICAM= Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing) and integrated estimation of functioning efficiency of the professional competence formation system for future IT professionals of Applied Information Science in Economics characterized by the possibility of estimating on several indicators of adequacy and sufficiency of the analyzed competence are represented. In analyzing the data new results of scientific and practical importance in the field of mathematical modeling and education were obtained - mathematical diagnostics models for professional competence formation results

    Innovation in Supply Chain Management and Its Financing as a Factor of Economic Growth

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    Abstract- Innovation in supply chain is becoming an increasingly significant factor in the socio-economic development of national economies these days. Continuous innovation plays a crucial role in increasing the competitiveness of social production, profits made by economic entities, economic growth, and, consequently, the national economy. Innovative development cannot occur without the presence of effective mechanisms for financing innovation. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of innovation and its financing on the economic growth of the Republic of Mordovia – one of the federal subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors conducted a correlation and regression analysis to determine the influence of factors related to innovative development on the volume of the Gross Regional Product (GRP). This method allows identifying key factors influencing the rate of economic growth in the region, as well as to build a forecast of the future GRP. Empirical results indicate that the GRP of the Republic of Mordovia is greatly influenced by the financing of research and development (R & D). The resulting regression equation indicates that the 92% change in the GRP is due to the R & D expenditures, and 8% – the influence of other factors. It was also found that the increase in domestic R & D costs by 1 million rubles results in an increase in the GRP by an average of 200 million rubles. The results indicate that it is necessary to increase R& D financing, provided that its growth is balanced at different stages of innovation

    Comparative evaluation of quality characteristics of process equipment

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    A consumer estimates the product by two criteria: quality and price. Quality is a set of object properties that characterize its ability to satisfy statutory requirements or supposed needs of a person. The statutory requirements are needs that are regulated by normative legal acts; the supposed needs are needs that should be identified by market research. Objective features of the product occur during its development, manufacturing, storage, usage and have the valuation - price. Quality and price are two interrelated categories inherent in any product

    Methods of optimization of economic systems as a mechanism for the effectiveness of training it professionals in high school

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    The article deals with in-depth and comprehensive study of the techniques of economic systems optimization, identification of the theoretical foundations, trends, pedagogical conditions and means of forming the subject competence of students of information directions of bachelors degree program. A model of an individual trajectory of the natural sciences and professional training on the example of an in-depth development of economic systems optimization methods was proposed and the mechanism of its implementation was considered. As the result of the taken study the authors have proposed and justified the application of a set of professionally-designed tasks of training for IT professionals in the field of economics, methods of optimization of economic systems as a mechanism for the effectiveness of training IT professionals, methods of mathematical modeling, in order to improve teaching methods, implementation of more effective mechanisms for training of IT professionals in the learning process are discussed. Methods of optimization of economic systems are important components of the training of future analysts and IT professionals. The use of traditional teaching methods in modern society is no longer enough to train IT professionals in the field of economy. There is a necessity to improve teaching methods, to introduce more effective ones into the educational process, managing the process of assimilation of knowledge, forming ability and skills, which are aimed at developing of a sustained conscious positive attitude towards their profession of future IT specialist, independent decision-making with problematic tasks, related to the exercise of professional functions

    «Зеленое» финансирование и ESG: возможность для устойчивого социально-экономического развития

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    The implementation of the sustainable development strategy and the formation of a “green” economy model provide for the reorientation of financial resources, accounting by economic entities and public authorities and management of ESG-principles and the development of “green” financing tools.The purpose of the paper is to develop theoretical provisions and modeling of the impact of “green” financing on the socio-economic development of the subjects of the Russian Federation.Methods of data mining were used with temporary delays and corresponding lags responses of endogenous indicators, as well as cluster and correlation analysis. The result of the study was the specification of the economic content of the definition of “green” financing, as well as the construction of econometric models of the degree of interrelationship between “green” financing and the socio-economic development of the regions of Russia. The authors described the economic content of the definition of “green” financing, developed econometric models of the degree of interdependence of “green” financing and socioeconomic growth of Russia’s regions, calculated an integral indicator of sustainable socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation taking into account ESGfactors (social risks, environmental risks, quality of management). Clustering of Russian regions according to the level of influence of “green” financing on their socio-economic development has also been carried out.The article concludes that the relationship between the level of socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation and the volume of “green” financing is direct, strong, and can be expressed by increasing linear regression. The prospects for further research may be related to the assessment of the real needs of the volumes of “green” financing in the context of ensuring sustainable economic growth.Реализация стратегии устойчивого развития и формирование модели «зеленой» экономики предусматривают переориентацию финансовых ресурсов, учет хозяйствующими субъектами и органами государственной власти и управления ESG-принципов и развитие инструментов «зеленого» финансирования.Цель работы —  развитие теоретических положений и моделирование влияния «зеленого» финансирования на социально-экономическое развитие субъектов Российской Федерации.Использованы методы интеллектуального анализа данных с учетом временных запаздываний и соответствующих лаговых откликов эндогенных показателей, а также кластерный и корреляционный анализ. Авторы конкретизировали экономическое содержание дефиниции «зеленое» финансирование, построили эконометрические модели степени взаимосвязи «зеленого» финансирования и социально-экономического развития регионов России, рассчитали интегральный показатель устойчивого социально-экономического развития регионов РФ с учетом ESG-факторов (социальные риски, экологические риски, качество управления). Также осуществлена кластеризация регионов России по уровню влияния «зеленого» финансирования на их социально-экономическое развитие.Сделан вывод о том, что связь между уровнем социально-экономического развития регионов РФ и объемом «зеленого» финансирования —  прямая, сильная, может быть выражена возрастающей линейной регрессией. Перспективы дальнейших исследований могут быть связаны с оценкой реальных потребностей объемов «зеленого» финансирования в контексте обеспечения устойчивого экономического роста

    Structural, thermodynamic, and local probe investigations of a honeycomb material Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}

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    The system Ag[Li1/3_{1/3}Mn2/3_{2/3}]O2_{2} belongs to a quaternary 3R-delafossite family and crystallizes in a monoclinic symmetry with space group C2/mC\,2/m and the magnetic Mn4+^{4+}(S=3/2S=3/2) ions form a honeycomb network in the abab-plane. An anomaly around 50 K and the presence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling (Curie-Weiss temperature θCW51\theta_{CW}\sim-51 K) were inferred from our magnetic susceptibility data. The magnetic specific heat clearly manifests the onset of magnetic ordering in the vicinity of 48\,K and the recovered magnetic entropy, above the ordering temperature, falls short of the expected value, implying the presence of short-range magnetic correlations. The (ESR) line broadening on approaching the ordering temperature TNT_{{\rm N}} could be described in terms of a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) scenario with TKT=40(1)T_{{\rm KT}}=40(1) K. 7^{7}Li NMR line-shift probed as a function of temperature tracks the static susceptibility (Kiso_{iso}) of magnetically coupled Mn4+^{4+} ions. The 7^{7}Li spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/TT1_{1}) exhibits a sharp decrease below about 50 K. Combining our bulk and local probe measurements, we establish the presence of an ordered ground state for the honeycomb system Ag3_{3}LiMn2_{2}O6_{6}.Our ab-initio electronic structure calculations suggest that in the abab-plane, the nearest neighbor (NN) exchange interaction is strong and AFM, while the next NN and the third NN exchange interactions are FM and AFM respectively. In the absence of any frustration the system is expected to exhibit long-range, AFM order, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Phys Rev

    Structural and magnetic dimers in the spin-gapped system CuTe2O5

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    We investigated the magnetic properties of the system CuTe2O5 by susceptibility and electron spin resonance measurements. The anisotropy of the effective g-factors and the ESR linewidth indicates that the anticipated structural dimer does not correspond to the singlet-forming magnetic dimer. Moreover, the spin susceptibility of CuTe2O5 can only be described by taking into account interdimer interactions of the same order of magnitude than the intradimer coupling. Analyzing the exchange couplings in the system we identify the strongest magnetic coupling between two Cu ions to be mediated by super-super exchange interaction via a bridging Te ligand, while the superexchange coupling between the Cu ions of the structural dimer only results in the second strongest coupling

    Magnetic Resonance of the Intrinsic Defects of the Spin-Peierls Magnet CuGeO3

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    ESR of the pure monocrystals of CuGeO3 is studied in the frequency range 9-75 GHz and in the temperature interval 1.2-25 K. The splitting of the ESR line into several spectral components is observed below 5 K, in the temperature range where the magnetic susceptibility is suppressed by the spin-Peierls dimerization. The analysis of the magnetic resonance signals allows one to separate the signals of the S=1/2- and S=1 defects of the spin-Peierls phase. The value of g-factor of these signals is close to that of the Cu-ion. The additional line of the magnetic resonance is characterized by an anomalous value of the g-factor and by the threshold-like increase of the microwave susceptibility when the microwave power is increasing. The ESR signals are supposingly attributed to two types of the planar magnetic defects, arising at the boundaries of the domains of the spin-Peierls state with the different values of the phase of the dimerization.Comment: LATEX-text, 12 PS-figures, typos corrected, LATEX-style change